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ESS instrument simulations
M. Sales, S.L. Holm, K. Lieutenant, and K. Lefmann, Powder diffractometers at long-pulsed sources, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 80, SB018 (4 p.) (2011)
K. Klenø and K. Lefmann, Thermal chopper spectrometer for the European Spallation Source, J. Phys. Soc. Japan 80, SB004 (4 p.) (2011)
K. Lefmann, U. Filges, F. Treue, J.J.K. Kirkensgaard, B. Plesner, K.S. Hansen, K.H. Klenø, The optimal shape of a cold-neutron triple-axis spectrometer, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 634 (2011) S1 - S6, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.273
K.H. Klenø, P.K. Willendrup, E. Knudsen and K. Lefmann, Eliminating line of sight in elliptic guides using gravitational curving, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 634 (1) (2011) S100 - S103, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.261
K. Lefmann, U. Filges, S.L. Holm, K.H. Klenø, E. Knudsen, K. Lieutenant, L. von Moos, M. Sales, P.K. Willendrup, Simulation of a suite of generic long-pulse neutron instruments to optimize the time structure of the ESS accelerator, Report to ESS-SAC, October 2010
R.K. Crawford, M. Arai, C. Carlile, L. Chapon, G. Granroth, S. Langridge, K. Lefmann, F. Mezei, M. Monkenbusch, G. Muhrer, A. Wiedenmann, Long-pulse neutron instrumentation workshop, august 26-29, 2009, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, (Rev. 00-July 2010)
H. Schober, E. Farhi, F. Mezei, P. Allenspach, K. Andersen, P. Bentley, P. Christiansen, B. Cubitt, R. Heenan, J. Kulda, P. Langan, K. Lefmann, K. Lieutenant, M. Monkenbusch, P. Willendrup, J. Saroun, P. Tindemans, and G. Zsigmond, Tailored Instrumentation to Long Pulse Neutron Spallation Sources, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 589, 34-46 (2008)
K. Lefmann, H. Schober, and F. Mezei, Simulation of a cold neutron chopper spectrometer with wavelength multiplication for the ESS Long-Pulse Target Station, Meas. Sci. Techn. 19, 034025 (2008)
General simulations
K.H. Klenø, K. Lieutenant, K.H. Andersen, and K. Lefmann, Systematic performance study of common neutron guide geometries, accepted for Nucl. Instr. Meth. A (2012)
E. Knudsen, A.T. Rømer, P.K. Willendrup, P. Christiansen, K. Lefmann, Investigations of propagation algorithms for ray-tracing simulations of polarized neutrons, accepted for J. Neutr. Res. (2012)
P.K. Willendrup, E. Farhi, E. Knudsen, U. Filges, and K. Lefmann, McStas, past, present, and future, accepted for J. Neutr. Res. (2012)
L. Udby, P.K. Willendrup, E. Knudsen, C. Niedermayer, U. Filges, N.B. Christensen, E. Farhi, B.O. Wells, and K. Lefmann, Analysing neutron scattering data using McStas virtual experiments, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 634 (1) (2011) S138 - S143, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.235
P.K. Willendrup, L. Udby, E. Knudsen, E. Farhi, and K. Lefmann, Using McStas for modeling complex optics, using simple buildings bricks, Nucl. Instr. Meth. A, 634 (1) (2011) S150 - S155, DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2010.06.212
P. Böni and K. Lefmann, Neutron optics and Monte Carlo simulations in NMI3, Neutron News 20/1, 26-29 (2009)
K. Lefmann, P.K. Willendrup, L. Udby, B. Lebech, K. Mortensen, J.O. Birk, K.H. Klenø, E. Knudsen, P. Christiansen, J. Saroun, J,. Kulda, U. Filges, M. Konnecke, P. Tregenna-Piggott, J. Peters, K. Lieutenant, G. Zsigmond, P. Bentley, and E. Farhi: Virtual experiments: The ultimate aim of neutron ray-tracing simulations, J. Neutr. Res. 16, 97-111 (2008)
P.L.W. Tregenna-Piggott, F. Juryani, P. Christiansen, P. Willendrup, K. Lefmann, Reduction of data from inverted-geometry time-of-flight instruments, J. Neutr. Res. 16, 13-22 (2008)
P.K. Willendrup, E. Farhi, K. Lieutenant, and K. Lefmann, McStas v. 1.12 – User and Programmers Manual, Risø National Laboratory and ILL (2008)
K. Lefmann, P.K. Willendrup, E. Farhi, K. Lieutenant, and, McStas v. 1.12 – Component Manual, Risø National Laboratory and ILL (2008)
K. Lefmann: Virtual Neutrons: MCNSI, Notiziaro Neutroni e Luze di Synchrotrone, 12, 20 (2007)
G. Zsigmond, S. Manoshin, K. Lieutenant, P. A. Seeger, P. Christiansen, P. Willendrup, and K. Lefmann, Monte Carlo simulations for the development of polarized neutron instrumentation – an overview, Physica B 397, 115-119 (2007)
J. Peters, J. D. M. Champion, G. Zsigmond, H. N. Bordallo, F. Mezei, Using Fermi choppers to shape the neutron pulse, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 557 580-584 (2006) [doi:10.1016/j.nima.2005.11.111]
K. Lefmann, E. Farhi, and V. Hugovieux, MCNSI: virtual experiments for the neutron society, Neutron News 16/2, 34-35 (2005)
P.K. Willendrup, E. Farhi, and K. Lefmann, McStas 1.7 – a new version of the flexible Monte Carlo neutron scattering package, 350, e735-e737(2004)
P. Andersen, K. Lefmann, L. Theil Kuhn, P. K. Willendrup, E. Fahri, Monte Carlo simulations as a part of the instrument configuration in neutron scattering, Physica B 350, e721-e723 (2004)
G. Zsigmond, K. Lieutenant, S. Manoshin, H. N. Bordallo, J. D. M. Champion, J. Peters, J. M. Carpenter and F. Mezei, A survey of simulations of complex neutronic systems by VITESS, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. A 529 218-222 (2004) [doi:10.1016/j.nima.2004.04.205]
K. Lieutenant, G. Zsigmond, S. Manoshin, M. Fromme, H. N. Bordallo, J. D. M. Champion, F. Mezei and J. Peters,
Neutron instrument simulation and optimization using the software package VITESS, Proc. SPIE 5536 134-145 (2004) [doi:10.1117/12.562814]
E. Farhi, T. Hansen, A. Wildes, R. Ghosh, and K. Lefmann, Designing new guides and instruments using McStas, Appl. Phys. A 74, S1471-S1473 (2002)
H. Edwards, K. Lefmann, B. Lake, K. Nielsen, and P. Skårup, Simulation of a complete inelastic neutron scattering experiment, Appl. Phys. A 74, S1492-S1494 (2002)
P.-O. Åstrand, K. Lefmann, E. Farhi, K. Nielsen, and P. Skårup, New features in McStas, 1.5., Appl. Phys. A 74, S1511-S1513 (2002)
P. Allenspach, P. Böni, and K. Lefmann, Loss mechanisms in Supermirror Neutron Guide, Proceedings of SPIE 4509 (2001)
K. Nielsen and K. Lefmann, Monte Carlo Simulations of Neutron Scattering Instruments Using McStas, Physica B 283, 426-432 (2000)
K. Lefmann, K. Nielsen, A. Tennant, and B. Lake, McStas 1.1: a tool for building neutron Monte Carlo simulations, Physica B 276-278, 152-153 (2000)
K. Lefmann, and K. Nielsen, McStas, a General Software Package for Neutron Ray-tracing Simulations, Neutron News 10, 3, 20-23 (1999)
Simulations of non-ESS instruments
K.H. Klenø, K. Lefmann, R. Bewley, P.K. Willendrup, P. Christiansen, Simulations of chopper jitter at the LET neutron spectrometer at the ISIS TS2, submitted to Nucl. Instr. Meth. A (2011)
E. Knudsen, L. Udby, P.K. Willendrup, K. Lefmann, and W. Bouwman, McStas model of the Delft SESANS, Physica B - Condensed matter, 406 (12) (2011) 2361 - 2364, DOI: 10.1016/j.physb.2010.11.060
K. Lefmann: Neutron Scattering in Theory, Practice, and Simulation, Lecture notes for graduate/4th year course in Neutron Scattering, KU; 183 pages (2010)
H. N. Bordallo; B. Frick; H. Schober; T. Seydel, Primary spectrometer neutron optics simulations for a new cold neutron backscattering spectrometer, Journal of Neutron Research, 1477-2655, Volume 16, Issue 1 & 2, (2008),
Pages 39 – 54
P.K. Willendrup, K. Lefmann, E. Farhi, L. Keller: Virtual neutron powder diffraction experiments at DMC (PSI), Physica B 385-386, 1032-1034 (2006)
K. Lefmann, U. Filges, A simulated upgrade of the RITA-2 spectrometer, Risø National Laboratory (2006)
B. Frick, H.N. Bordallo, T. Seydel, J.-F. Barthélemy, M. Thomas, D. Bazzoli, H. Schober, How IN16 can maintain a world-leading position in neutron backscattering spectrometry, Physica B, 385-386 (2006) 1101
J.K. Hansen, K.S. Hansen, B.P. Christensen, and K. Lefmann, Simulations of an upgrade of the RITA-2 spectrometer, University of Roskilde (2004)
H. N. Bordallo, G. Zsigmond, J. D. M. Champion, Benchmark simulation of a Fermi-chopper instrument, Physica B 350 e717-e719 (2004) [doi:10.1016/j.physb.2004.03.262]
S. N. Klausen, K. Lefmann, D. F. McMorrow, F. Altorfer, S. Janssen, and M. Lüthy, Simulations and experiments on RITA-2 at PSI, Appl. Phys. A 74 S1508-S1510 (2002)
H.N. Bordallo, K.W. Herwig and G. Zsigmond, Analytical calculations and Monte-Carlo simulations of a high-resolution backscattering spectrometer for the long wavelength target station at the Spallation neutron source,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 491 (2002) 216–225
Instrumentation in general
K. Lefmann, Ch. Niedermayer, A.B. Abrahamsen, C.R.H. Bahl, N.B. Christensen, H.S. Jacobsen, T.L. Larsen, P. Häfliger, U. Filges, and H.M. Rønnow: Utilizing the full potential of a RITA-type spectrometer, Physica B 385-386, 1083-1085 (2006)
C.R.H. Bahl,P. Andersen, S.N. Klausen and K. Lefmann: The monochromatic imaging mode of a RITA-type neutron spectrometer, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B. 226, 667-681 (2004)
K. Lefmann, D. F. McMorrow, H. M. Rønnow, K. Nielsen, K. N. Clausen, B. Lake, and G. Aeppli, Added flexibility in triple axis spectrometers: The two RITAs at Risø, Physica B 283, 343-354 (2000)
K. N. Clausen, D. F. McMorrow, K. Lefmann, G. Aeppli, and T. E. Mason, The RITA spectrometer at Risø - design considerations and recent results, Physica B 241-243, 50-55 (1998)
General publications on ESS (in Danish)
K. Lefmann, L. Arleth, N.B. Christensen, S.P. Møller, S. Skelboe, P.K. Willendrup: ESS, en forskningsfacilitet i verdensklasse under opbygning i Lund, KVANT 22/1, 25-32 (2011)
K. Lefmann, L. Arleth, M. E. Vigild, K. Mortensen, and B. Lebech, ESS, En ny forskningsfacilitet i Øresunds-regionen? (on the Scandinavian ESS initiative), Naturens Verden (Danish popular science magazine) (1/ 2003)
K. Lefmann, European Spallation Source – fremtidens neutronkilde, Kvant (Communication of the Danish Physical Society) 11/4, 12-14 (2000)